Upper School Newsletter

Dear Upper School Families, 

I recently read Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey, a book about the art of living and catching Greenlights in life. When I look back at 2023, the CBA Upper School caught so many Greenlights: 

  • Commissioning 15 CBA graduates as ambassadors to the world: Greenlight
  • Hiring 8 passionate, dedicated, quality instructors: Greenlight
  • Hiring a college admissions coach: Greenlight
  • Celebrating the wonderful Liz Shugart and Debbie Gilliam into their retirements: Greenlight
  • Placing a group of middle school revolutionaries into the national spotlight through their work with the Exploravision Stem Science Competition: Greenlight
  • Experiencing the first AI-integrated graduation in Tennessee: Greenlight
  • Sending a group of students IN PERSON (first-time post-COVID) to Washington DC to compete for national distinction in the National History Day Competition: Greenlight

This list could fill pages! As we enter this holiday season and reflect on the passing of another great year, I see many blessings, opportunities, and possibilities in our future. Our partnership is secure, and your support within our community is stronger than ever…GREENLIGHT!

With 1VOICE (Wishing All a Happy Holiday Season), 

Mr. R