Lower School

Lifelong Learner

Lower School at CBA is relational and engaging. We focus on relationships before the school year begins with teacher home visits and a Kindergarten open house. This emphasis continues with Community Circle in the classroom, mentoring between older and younger students through Bobcat Buddies, and collaborative work with peers.

Each of these fosters a nurturing environment for learning. Teachers engage students through hands-on experiences—connecting national standards with real-world applications. Learning like this is meaningful and fun.

Hands-on Experience

Kindergarden Field Study

Kindergarten learns about forces and motion. To bring the concept of friction to life, students take a field study to Cool Sports in Knoxville to test how the same objects move on turf vs. ice.


2nd Grade Learns Interdependence

They raise trout in their classroom—watching them grow and learning how to care for them. Then, once they are big enough, the students release their trout into the Little River to help repopulation.

3rd Grade Uses A 3D Printer

In Technology class, third grade learns how to use software to make 3D-printed molds for their very own chocolate bar design.

5th Grade History

Fifth grade learns how other people’s way of life was different from their own. They have an immersion day to take them back to the 1850s where they make corn husk dolls, churn butter, and do wood burning.



Mary Liford

Lower School Principal

Lower School Counselor

Kim Headrick

Lower School Counselor

Arielle Kennedy

Curriculum Specialist

Administrative Assistant

Rebecca Burchfield

Administrative Assistant

Going Deeper

Another way we make learning more meaningful is through presentations. When students present their learning, it provides another way to reinforce what they’ve learned. When you walk into a classroom at CBA, a student ambassador will greet you and give an impromptu presentation on what they’re learning. Students also make presentations to the whole school each quarter at Family Gathering. These experiences help students learn more, build leadership skills, and become confident public speakers.