Lower School Newsletter
Dear CBA Families,
Wow! It is the end of our second quarter. We have finished half the school year! That is hard to believe. It’s a great time to reflect on all the good and the great things the students have accomplished so far. Clayton-Bradley does a great job teaching our students about serving others and being helpful citizens. We emphasize our LIFESKILLS daily, but we also practice them through service projects. Many of our students have participated in different service projects this year.
Our K-Kids Club does service activities throughout the year. They just completed a Toy Drive where they collected almost 500 toys for children in Blount County. All of the Lower School grades participated in this activity. Hopefully, it helped them think about all they have and what it means to help others that might not have as much. Our first-grade students’ service project raised money for a foster care organization called Camelot of Smoky Tennessee. The students did chores around their house and donated the money they earned to the foster care program. The second-grade classes partnered with Trout Unlimited and raised trout in their classroom to help repopulate the river. These are just a few of the service projects our students participated in this year.
Doing these service projects involves using multiple LIFESKILLS. Over the past three weeks, we focused on the LIFESKILLS of Resourcefulness, Responsibility, and Sense of Humor. Helping children respond to challenges teaches them to be resourceful and become creative. There are so many ways our students can learn about responsibility roles and actions. The LIFESKILL sense of humor is fun but tricky to teach children. We want them to experience joy and laughter but never at the expense of someone else. Please share examples of these LIFESKILLS with your children.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for all the sweet cards, special notes, treats, and gifts you have shared with me. I look forward to a wonderful 2022 year when we return on January 6.
Blessings on your Family,
Mary Liford