Upper School Newsletter
May 12, 2022
Dear Upper School Families,
After a long, COVID-induced hiatus, how fun was it to celebrate scientific discovery and creativity at the 2022 STEM Fair? The CBA gym was packed with display boards. Middle school students proudly answered questions about their work. Parents and families enjoyed discovering along with their students. A palpable hum of curiosity filled the space as everyone present enjoyed a peek into the minds of the problem solvers and scientists of the 6-8th grades.
Now, I would be naive if I did not also acknowledge the effort, perseverance, and flexibility invested to achieve the end result at the STEM Fair. Students, teachers, and families would agree that our annual STEM Fair is an event with high expectations and requires a lot of hard work. I am proud of their achievements, and I am particularly proud it was STUDENT-GENERATED work!
At CBA, self-regulation and student ownership are paramount to the learning process. We are growing the future citizens of this world. Our mission is to develop critical thinkers, problem solvers, and collaborators. STEM Fair illustrates these qualities so clearly and makes me proud of our community at CBA.
So, thank you to all of the parents who encouraged their students to work diligently on their projects. Thank you to our amazing teachers for providing daily opportunities for students to grow. And lastly, thank you to our students who continually impress with their displays of learning. Go BLAZERS!
With 1VOICE,
Mr. R