Welcome to the Lower School
Dear Lower School Families,
I want to take just a moment to welcome you to our beautiful campus. I am excited to meet you and your families as you join us in July for an amazing adventure here at Clayton-Bradley Academy.
We have so much to offer your children as they join us this school year. As a parent, I know it can be overwhelming and even scary to make new changes and meet new friends. Please know that our teachers and myself are here to support and assist you in any way we can.
We are about building trusting relationships. That starts with understanding who we are and feeling confident that we want what’s best for all our students.
We have five Lifelong Guidelines and nineteen LIFESKILLS we teach, model, and live by at Clayton-Bradley Academy. These skills prepare us to be the best—in the classroom and in our communities.
Welcome! I look forward to meeting you and your children during the 2023-2024 school year.
Mary Liford
Lower School Principal